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Transforming Women Waste Collectors into Wastepreneurs

At Green Worms, we are dedicated to empowering women waste collectors  through our WastePreneurs  Development program. We focus on equipping women with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in sustainable waste management practices. Through our comprehensive training initiatives, we provide women with the tools they need to excel in waste management roles. Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive workforce that actively contributes to combating the waste crisis and poverty

Waste Collection Management

Green Worms provides on ground training of effective Waste collection systems and Co-create effective ways to optimize the Waste Collection Operations.

Capacity Building Programs

We provide capacity building programs to Women Self Help Groups and individuals in the Waste Management sector in order to upskill their skills on best practices, new approaches, and how to optimize their systems, as well as enhancing their leadership skills.

IT Integration & Usage

Green Worms provides technical training programs on IT integration in Waste Management operations for monitoring waste collection, collecting user fees, receiving feedback & complaints as well as traceability of waste.

Health & Safety at Work

Green Worms Provides training to ensure their safety on the job. In addition, we provide processes and resources to maintain good health through better working conditions.

Standard Operating Procedure Training

Green Worms Provides customized training programs in the design and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) in Waste Management operations. The SOP was designed in response to local challenges in the system as well as gaps.